Monday, August 2, 2010

Church Constitution Samples

The connector must be connected to two workflow shapes.

When you use Visio a workflow graph, and in consideration of this diagram, the above mentioned error message, you see no error, double-click the error message and if somewhere a blue box in the diagram is displayed, then there is a hidden connector, which was not connected, but also so small that he was in the chart itself is not sees. Either remove it or extend it with the connector cursor.

When working with Visio and creating a workflow diagram and you are getting the error-message Mentioned, convinced, that there is nothing wrong in your diagram, then double click the error message. If there is then a blue squared item in your diagram, then it seems a hidden connector was not used and appears so small, that you do not see it in your diagram. Either delete it or extend it with the connector-cursor.


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