Friday, October 15, 2010

Example Of Confirmation Letter For Church

Import spreadsheet als List

When you import a spreadsheet as a list in Sharepoint 2010, I had the following Fehlermledungen:

first "Automation server can not creat object"

ActiveX Controls are not active or you are not using IE

second "The specified file is not a valid spreadsheet or contains no data to import"

Go in Internet Explorer under Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Trusted Sites -> Sites (button) and add the page. If es dort eine Fehlermeldung geben, dann die Checkbox uncheck, denn Sie wollen wahrscheinlich eine http:// Seite hinzufügen.
1. "Automation server can't creat object"

ActiveX controls are either not activated or you are not using the IE. 2. "The specified file is not a valid spreadsheet or contains no data to import"
Go to Internet Explorer under Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Trusted Sites -> Sites (Button) and add this site to your trusted sites. If there is also an error-message, then uncheck the checkbox below, because you are trying to add a http:// site.


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