Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Scortch Marks Off Iron

Berlin-Mitte district court sentenced Park Facilities KG again to repay!

With Judgement of 03/03/2011 sentenced AG Berlin-Mitte, the parking spaces for KG Repayment of 130.00 €. The court held only pure towing costs of 120.00 € admissible. The parking spaces € 250.00 KG, however, had collected. (AG Berlin 25 C 196/10). The exact verdict read at: judgments download .

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New England Lobster Bake

Powershell - site-defintion installation

I had the following problem. I created a powershell script to install a solution, that contains a site-defintion to a web-application. The issue I ran into was, that the template I am using to create the SPSite in this web-application was not recognized. That means everytime I tried to use this custom template, I received the error ""

On the web I found the cause for this error. The template is not recognized in this session. When you open parallel another powershell window and list the templates (get-spwebtemplates), then you see your template. But not in the host window.

To avoid this error, you have to start another powershell process out of the host window. There you can work with the template.
Be aware to add a sleep function, because the install of the solution with the site-definition needs to be terminated before being able to work with it.

You can copy the host-script into a file called hostscript.ps1 and the new window script into a file called window.ps1

---- your host script ------- (rename the %% variables with your parameters)
#This function installs the solution
function InstallSolution([string] $solutionname, [string] $url)
#Check if solution already exists
$solution = Get-SPSolution "%your solution directory%\$solutionname"
Install-SPSolution –Identity $SolutionName –WebApplication "http://$url" –GACDeployment
$solution = Get-SPSolution $apppool = %app-pool%
$apppoolaccount = %app-pool-account%
$databasename = %database-name%
$databaseserver = %database-server%
$sitecollectionadmin = %site-collection-admin%

#Create a new web-application with the above mentioned parameters
New-SPWebApplication -Name $webapplicationname -Port $webapplicationport -AllowAnonymousAccess:$true -HostHeader $hostheader -URL "http://$url" -Path $iisdirectory -ApplicationPool $apppool -ApplicationPoolAccount (Get-SPManagedAccount $apppoolaccount) -DatabaseName $databasename -DatabaseServer $databaseserver

#Call the function above and overload the needed parameters
InstallSolution "%my solution name%", $url

#Here is your template-name. If you don't know yours, then just install the solution and run get-spwebtemplate. It lists all templates. Yours is then supposed to be there as well with the correct # value.
$mydefinitiontemplate = "%My Template%#0"

#Here the new console powershell-window opens.
$newwindow = New-Object system.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$newwindow.FileName = "powershell.exe"
#I am overloading some variables just to show, how this works
$newwindow.Arguments = "-noexit %your install directory%\window.ps1 $url $mydefinitiontemplate $sitecollectionadmin"
$process = [system.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($newwindow)
#The process will wait, until the window will exit and close

#Finally just reset the iis

---- end host script -------

---- your new window script ------- (rename the %% variables with your parameters)

#Here you catch the overloaded parameters and fill some variables with it
$url = $args[0]
$mytemplatename = $args[1]
$sitecollectionadmin = $args[2]

#Create the new site-collection
New-SPSite -URL "http://$url" -OwnerAlias $sitecollectionadmin -Name %your site name% -Template $mytemplatename
#Tell the host-window, that this window closed

---- end new window script -------

Then save those files somewhere and open powershell and type:
[your path of the hostscript.ps1 file]\hostscript.ps1

This script now creates the web-application, installs the solution with the site-definition and as soon as the solution is deployed, it opens a new console window, to run the second script, that creates a new site-collection in the web-application with the site-definition template you deployed. The window closes afterwards and the host-window then does an iisreset.

It took me quite long to find out about this speciality with site-definition solution deployment and using the template afterwards when creating a site-collection.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Online Prom Dress Catalogs

... Failed to create receiver object from assembly ... value cannot be null

I had this error, when I deployed a custom site-definition and then tried to create a new site-collection. The error was caused by a code I deployed some time before. I retracted those solutions and then deployed from scratch. It is important to clean out with old "not used" solutions. Also check in the Central-Administration, if all not used solutions are removed. After the new deployment, everything went smooth.

It could also be, that there is somewhere an assembly, that is called the same or does have similar namespaces.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stinkingcervical Mucus

failed to instantiate file default.master not found.

This was a tough one. Trying to setup a site-definition and then received this error always, when trying to create a site.
My basic site-definition was extended with a module to initialize the masterpage, because I read on a website to do so.
It seems that the error is somewhere completely different. Got to the onet.xml and change the configuration-tag:

Usually most websites do show the onet.xml configuration tag as a relative path. But this change fixed my project.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

London Broil Verses Brisket

they do not pay directly! - Deposit with the District Court

advised Who in the clutches of the parking spaces KG and has not recovered his vehicle, may proceed as follows:

The Depository of the competent local court of the required amount of parking spaces KG as a safety deposit and seek confirmation of the deposit.

This is the averted from the parking spaces KG unused lien under § 273 III BGB and they must issue upon presentation of proof of deposit of the car and immediately reveal the location of the vehicle.

In this way, back his vehicle, the parking spaces without having to give money to KG.

The publication may proceed with the depositary at the request only if

  • that all parties are united and the depository communicate
  • a final court decision is presented, which indicated the entitlement would

If all parties act in a way so the rip-off of the parking spaces KG by acute shortage of money now being done.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Install Ceramic Corner Soap Tray

the specified path, file name, or both are too long - Sharepoint 2010

Cut down your names. It might be, that your solution, files, etc. are too long. Just cut them down. Check the "project folder" property of your project. Is it not supposed to be very long. Try to keep it short.

Milk Debate Questions

the referenced file is not allowed on this page - Sharepoint 2010

It seems you are trying to register a user-control from the layouts folder. Put it into the controltemplates folder and it should work.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Diagrama Yamaha Vxr Pro

towing colleague of Mr Gehrke remains in jail on the current ruling of Federal Court!

Dear Mr. Gehrke, we have already booked a ticket to Belize (no extradition treaty with the FRG), or as it is now to go further? Your friend, Mr. Arthur S. from Augsburg must now, in the opinion of the Supreme Court further incarcerated in prison! For your ongoing criminal proceedings before the Higher Regional Court Munich because of multiple coercion but now it looks not good! As a small consolation we have a little Toys and literature sought out.

813ORKdVs8L__AA1500_ 51lRYqm POL__SS500_,-Augsburg-parking Sheriff must-in-prison-_arid, 2360612_regid, 2_puid, 2_pageid, 4490.html

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reactive Lymphocytes Virus

traffic portal reported on the parking spaces KG


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Does Sore Throat Look Like

new vacancy with "correct" address

The stupidest thing he's still a long way, the CEO of parking spaces KG . This time with the correct address. Applications go through e-mail, logically if one has no letter box. We would sometimes have a "Thank You" pleased Mr. Gehrke.


Monday, January 31, 2011

Replacement Of Joycam Film

The 20th BSW Exclusive Travel Mallorca

The 20th BSW-exclusive trip took place in Mallorca. In "It Foguero" was a Gala dinner. A great experience was the performance of Carmen, and then was also the anniversary cake by the senior officer of the Foundation train social work cut.
PS: I was the 11th Time there and it was always unforgettable days.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Real Life Applications Of Supplementary Angls

Can you think of what?

This is a current display of the parking spaces KG from the Internet. If you do not now where to send it to tip: Send Immediately after Oberhaching. Even a certificate requires our Lord Gehrke, this requirement profile for the boss seems not to apply well.

Brizilian Wax Killeen Tx

from the true faith of Mr. Gehrke

see what we here, what we do not see here? Right: the non-existent office in the Friedrichstrasse. 191 parking spaces KG see, we do not, or so.
What we believe what we do not believe? We believe that Mr. Gehrke it looks the same. Respectively. not because he is so white, so does not need to believe that there are so is. Sure, that's really a non-office of the parking spaces KG is present. And if you visit the alleged non-firm, it is really true that it is so. The fact that no non-business premises and staff are available.
liar and who is not lying? Right: the Gehrke, whenever he and his Anwältchen every time in court to point out and identify in written records so that his company's headquarters there, your not really has not. In Berlin, Friedrichstrasse 191 has not in the capital and not in Oberhaching.

What do we know what we do not know? We know that his Anwältchen that he really . Believe Because they know no better as it is, they must believe it. So we do believe that they do not know better, because the Anwältchen know that you know does not lie in court.
Who knows better: That's right Google. They know that there is and always know everything. The seemingly as we post here, we get nice displays shall indicate. We are interested not so, but we think we know that the Lord cares Gehrke.

How To Convert Into (w/v)

Error Sharepoint 2010 "Could not load type" when loading a custom Page

I replaced an existing SharePoint page through its own and then wanted to reference in the Page declaration on my class. After the deployment I got above error. This does not occur when you refer to the page declaration in the Inherit attribute not only to the class, but to the Assembly, the token and version.


<%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="[mein Namespace].[meine Klasse]" MasterPageFile="~/_layouts/dialog.master" %>

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ap Lab 8 Biology Conclusion

Error occured in deployment step cannot connect [Url]

An error of why it can not deploy to a particular URL from the Visual Studio 2010, may be that one, either in the host file and / or the (central administration ) System Settings - has entered> Configure alternate access mappings incorrect URLs by reference. When developing locally must conform to the URL in the URL in Visual Studio Access-mapping and the URL in the host file.
The error, why you can not deploy out of Visual Studio 2010 to a specified url, can be caused, because you might not have the correct URLs set in the host-file and / or (Central Administration) System Settings -> Configure alternate access mappings. <%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="[mein Namespace].[meine Klasse], [Assemblyname], Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=[Token ID]" MasterPageFile="~/_layouts/dialog.master" %> When developing locally, the urls need to be the same in Visual Studio, Access and mapping the host file.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Verse For Grandmother Birthday

is lying to a judge?

According to the report of the television VOX will all offer a more evidence that the company parking spaces KG seemingly all the letters with postmarks from the Munich area (postmark range of mail centers and Starnberg Munich 80 82) sent. The parking spaces Watch blog has received several letters sent by postal stamp. These can be found in our download area .




For us this is just further proof that Mr Gehrke his administration still in Munich Oberhaching or operates and intentionally lying to courts or judges. He and his lawyers have in several court cases have pointed out that the company is headquartered in Berlin and there is no office in Oberhaching more. Furthermore, there are affidavits from former employees that the company has only appearance addresses in Berlin and is run from Oberhaching still out.

This information will be the President of the Appeal Court of Berlin Nöhre soon provide - it is up to you to decide whether you want to charge your congested Berlin courts with unnecessary litigation further, or as to the colleagues in Munich. Of course It is also to let her take a free trial proceedings for fraud against Joachim K. Gehrke.

Car Starter Average Life?

Joachim K. Gehrke, chief of the parking spaces KG fails to challenge for bias against the judge AG Munich!

our dear Mr. Gehrke Court of the District Court of Munich, of course, does not fit, as it is for two years to repay ever convicted of tricks. The last anchor was then only a helpless challenge for bias against a judge of the District Court of Munich, the major flops. By order dated 21.01.2011 of bias complaint was declared unfounded. (AG München 473 C 24677/10 Az).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Which Color Truffel Costs More

parking spaces KG busted again! New address in the Friedrichstrasse. 191 all-mail address! Vox

What we have now notified several victims from Berlin, is the new from the Parking spaces indicated KG based in the Friedrichstrasse. 191 again a mailbox address , (as already Borsigstr. 2, Friedrichstr. 88, Friedrichstr. 50) without premises and staff. And the chief tow Gehrke is of course never been seen. No wonder that all employees are still living in the suburbs of Munich and engaged in Oberhaching on Kolpingring 18 of her racket. After Mr. Joachim K. Gehrke and his legal representatives in court proceedings still falsely claim otherwise, there will soon be powerful anger. Ever heard of process of fraud, Mr Gehrke?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Push Up Tankinis For Small Boobs

things that need not the world. . .

. . . I need and why?
Because they are fun!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Stockings To Hide Blemishes

reported about the operations of the parking spaces parking spaces

On 1/23/2011 the television station showed Vox from 17.00 clock in the show car, a report on the bad practices of the parking spaces KG. This image shows the housekeeper Mrs. C. on Kolpingring 18, as she chased on behalf of the parking spaces KG unwelcome guests. Who was it funny to hide the ring 18 Kolping something? Was the boss, Mr. Gehrke, happened to be there?


the story, see (from minutes 26, it begins.)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Starting Waxing Business

KG KG loses suit before the District Court Pankow / Weissensee!

By decision of 12.09.2010 rejected the AG Pankow / Weissensee KG a complaint of parking spaces for the payment of € 91.60 for so-called preparations for towing completely. The court held, inter alia, that in general no obvious damage was caused when a car park is only being monitored and there has been no towing. Moreover, the rooms of the Park KG costs claimed by the type and amount were not plausible. (AG Pankow / Weissensee 102 C 317/10).