Thursday, January 20, 2011

Which Color Truffel Costs More

parking spaces KG busted again! New address in the Friedrichstrasse. 191 all-mail address! Vox

What we have now notified several victims from Berlin, is the new from the Parking spaces indicated KG based in the Friedrichstrasse. 191 again a mailbox address , (as already Borsigstr. 2, Friedrichstr. 88, Friedrichstr. 50) without premises and staff. And the chief tow Gehrke is of course never been seen. No wonder that all employees are still living in the suburbs of Munich and engaged in Oberhaching on Kolpingring 18 of her racket. After Mr. Joachim K. Gehrke and his legal representatives in court proceedings still falsely claim otherwise, there will soon be powerful anger. Ever heard of process of fraud, Mr Gehrke?


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