Friday, August 13, 2010

Restriction Removal On The Exhaust

Admin application pool stops when running AgilePoint

first Application pool terminated - application pool stops
When the admin application pool is stopped as soon as AgilePoint you start Enterprise Manager, then make the following setting: In the IIS -> Application Pools -> Admin -> Advanced Settings -> Process Models, where again the Define Identity User, which has the correct rights.

If the Admin application pool stops as soon as you start the AgilePoint Enterprise Manager, then you are supposed to check the following settings: in the IIS -> Application Pools -> Admin -> advanced settings -> process models, there under identity set the user once again, that has the needed permissions. If now an error message 5 appears, then the user must also be set again here:
IIS -> Sites -> AgilePoint - 8085 * -> Advanced Settings -> Physical Path Credentials, where the user set new.

If now a type 5 error message is diplayed, then this user needs to be set here as well:
IIS -> sites -> AgilePoint - 8085 * -> advanced settings -> physical path credentials, there set the user once again .

* port can vary depending on the installation - port can differentiate Depending on the installation


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