Every day we get news of witnesses, the chief of the parking spaces KG , Mr. Gehrke and its authorized officer Mrs. H when entering their have seen offices in Oberhaching on Kolping ring 18. Upper cunning and crafty as Mr. Gehrke is now time, he does not come through the main entrance, but sneaks out with his deep-BMW 5 Series Proll cunning purely in the underground garage. A fox, Gehrke our Lord! The poor thing, but somewhere he has to back, after being thrown out of his shell company from Berlin. The trade office, tax office and the community Oberhaching are already informed, there will certainly not ringing Santa on Kolpingring soon. But our Lord Gehrke (CV: almost criminal, arrested several times, countless reports of extortion, fraud, coercion, etc.) certainly not interested in the bean.
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