this time we asked people to stand for one common cause close to annual review to write. Unfortunately, we have received to date have not all an answer. Outstanding, nor are the answers of Mr. Gehrke (Managing Director of Park Facilities KG) and the Munich prosecutor. Has told us where Mr. Attorney Emil waiter:
lawyer Emil waiter: The year 2010 was, as in 2009, an exceptionally good year for my clients, which have been fallen into the clutches of the parking spaces KG and forced to pay part of 300,00 €. In all controlled processes parking spaces KG was ordered to repay because of far higher cost. In particular, the Munich District Court judges consistently and regularly to parking areas KG and stops just pure towing costs in an area of approximately € 100.00 for permitted to go ie all costs which also had the parking spaces back pay for KG, the court and legal costs. Due to the high quality of judicial success before the district court should Munich victims who have been asked by the parking spaces KG to checkout, sue for repayment. Two processes were particularly spectacular, and show by what methods this company's going concern: in one case, a client mitabgeschleppt same with his car and forced on a private property to a payment of € 246.00. In another case, the vehicle was a pensioner who does not even parked, blocked by a breakdown of the parking spaces and KG from driving away by then almost € 200.00 cashing. Even in these processes is the parking spaces from the KG Amtsgericht München been ordered to repay all costs. In particular, how people are treated at the car park, is one suggestion. , The patients had some waiting for hours in the cold, until at last appeared, an employee of the parking spaces KG, an office and do not mean the cars are parked unattended anywhere on the roadside. Often, then the tax will be due unlawful, even though the land users are entitled to deduct VAT. In many cases, the employees of the parking spaces KG were mentally unable to communicate the correct location of the car, so that important deadlines have been missed. And for this great service, the parties must also To pay the towing fees because of the parking space KG is almost three times as high as from reputable companies. Many patients unfortunately do not know that their recovery claims against the parking spaces KG after three years and should sue for repayment, since the cost risk is very low and the chances are extremely good. Just in the year 2010, the Park KG rooms in more than 30 procedures by the Local Court of Munich for reimbursement is overpriced fees or surrender the vehicle has been convicted. .
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